1. Name of the child
2. Sex MaleFemale
3. Aadhar Id
4. Date of birth
5. Name and address of the School last Studied
6. EMIS number (From old School)
7. a) Class Last Studied: b) Whether Promoted? YesNo
8. Whether TC is enclosed: YesNo
9. Name of Parents/Guardians: Father: Mother:
10. a) Parent/Guardian's Occupation: b) Annual Income: c) Address with Phone No Residence: Office:
11. a) Nationality & State: b) Religion: c) Caste(Enclose Community Certificate) : BCSCSTMBCSCAothers
12. Mother Tongue
13. Whether Vaccinated: YesNo
14. Whether transport required: YesNo
15. Education background and brief information of the family: 16. Any other information to be specified by the Parent or Guardian: I hereby declare that the information given above is true, and that the pupil has not attended any other school besides those mentioned above. I declare that I will not ask for a change in the date of birth in future. I clearly understand that it is the fundamental policy of the school to treat all children alike and I shall neither ask for, nor expect any special privilege or concession for my Son/Daughter/Ward. I will abide by the rules and regulations of the school and accept that they can be changed from time to time. I CLEARLY UNDERSTAND THAT ANY PAYMENT MADE TO THE SCHOOL WILL NOT BE REFUNDED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. HENCE, I SHALL NEVER DEMAND FOR REFUND. I agree
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